Creating visual identities and publications for Nesta Challenge Prize Centre. The Challenge Prizes are competitions that take a specific problem and incentivise people to solve them with their own ideas, technology and sustainable solutions. They attract the best innovators, and incorporate elements from a range of innovation tools to provide them with the support they need to compete.

Fall Armyworm Tech Prize

Nesta’s Challenge Prize Centre is working with USAID and DAI to create a prize around tackling the fall armyworm pest in Africa. The basis on the prize is to attract digital tools which source, analyse and translate information for farmers to make timely, accurate, and relevant decisions around identifying the pests and combating the spread and effects of fall armyworm. This prize will accept applications globally with a focus on the Sub-Saharan African context.

The Diagnostics, Integrated Service, Sludge & Nutrition Prizes.

Powered by Forum for the Future and Nesta.

The Diagnostics Prize presents the difficulties in accurately and rapidly diagnosing fish pathogens lead to widespread losses for farmers. While testing labs are available in Bangladesh, most have outdated technology and are not capable of testing to any detailed level of analysis.

The Integrated Service Prize describes Scaling up aquaculture is a systemic issue which needs systemic solutions, particularly around sharing of knowledge and best practice.

The Sludge Prize describes the fact that Pangasius farming in earthen ponds has developed as the main intensive form of aquaculture in Bangladesh and India, with high productivity, stocking density and intensive feeding.

The Nutrition Prize describes the key contributing factors to undernutrition in low-income countries, including Bangladesh, are low dietary diversity in the diets of women and low nutrient density of traditional complementary foods (CFs) for infants and young children.


Telling the difference –


We are Europe –